Welcome to Retro Health, LLC

Employee Health

driving cost reduction

Disease Management

Retro Health identifies companies’ high risk/high cost members and drives utilization and compliance in order to improve long term health and patient outcomes. We build relationships and develop trust between employees, providers, and employers through high-touch, evidenced-based medicine and navigating the appropriate level of care. Our client data reflects a reduction in hospitalizations and ER visits, effectively reducing health care cost.

Occupational Health for work

The Retro Health team creates a culture of safety through providing education and expertise to prevent work injuries. Our team offers comprehensive case management for work injuries, decreasing time away from work and reducing recordable cases. We also offer OSHA guideline first aid, drug screenings, and post offer evaluations.

Preventative Healthcare

The Retro Health team of professionals advocate for a culture of wellness by removing barriers through onsite care. We provide our clients annual physical and lab biometrics to further coordinate care when needed and to provide education for a healthy lifestyle.